My Story
What an AMAZING and WONDERFUL ride it has been!! I have been with Scentsy for over 12 years now and who would have thought that I or the company would have EVER come this far!! I was first introduced to Scentsy at a craft fair sponsored by my home owners association. I have a life-long love of candles and spent some time talking with the consultant there (I actually visited her booth many times asking more questions). I was a little hesitant at first as I wasn't really sure that the direct sales thing was for me and I didn't really like any of the warmers that she had on display, but I really loved the concept as at the time I had two little children I wanted to stay home with. Plus the scents were amazing!! I mean scents that will last 80-100 hours and only costs $5.00 (now $6.00), the wax is safe to touch and isn't toxic if eaten--who wouldn't be intrigued by that?!! So I picked up one of her cards and checked out her website that evening. I was hooked from the start!! I completely explored the entire website (and found many cute warmers I fell in love with) in one evening and contacted her the next day with questions about possibly joining. This continued on in a stream of emails for a week or so, until we met for lunch and that gave me the final push I needed to join. My starter kit arrived and I plowed into it exploring all the scents and literature. Since then it has been amazing!! I have met so many new people by sharing Scentsy! Not only do I love the product myself, but I really believe it is the safer alternative to candles. And each month/season the warmers keep getting cuter and the new scents each month/season are so refreshing and new! And the line has expanded beyond what I originally started with!! We now offer cordless alternatives, scented stuffed animals, scented sachet packs, a laundry line, pet line, and have partnered with Disney!! I had the good fortune and pleasure to become a director in October 2012 and have 36 amazing women and 1 driven man on my team! Promoting to director gave me the opportunity in March 2013 to go to the Scentsy home office and see where it all started and meet some other AMAZING directors and Scentsy home office staff. This company is filled with so many good and selfless people and I am truly honored and proud to be a part of it all! From visiting manufacturing, to helping package orders, to the training and breakout sessions, it was WONDERFUL! I look forward to seeing what new strides Scentsy will make in the future and invite you to join me with this amazing, forward-thinking company!! Sincerely, Danielle Miller-Kordella<!--endbody-->